


glob with languages

Welcome to Glossophia Multilingual Education Colsultancy

We live in a multilingual world and Glossophia helps BILINGUAL and MULTILINGUAL Families, Professionals and Educational Institution



You are a bilingual or multilingual family or you might know the importance of multilingualism and want to transmit your culture, your language, and your passion to your children.

Glossophia helps bilingual and multilingual families with multilingual education to become thriving fully bilingual or multilingual families by raising their children 0-18 years of age in all their Native languages so they can maintain, cultivate and flourish in their cultural and linguistic identity for opportunities without borders for them and their children.



Multilingual Professionals

You are a multilingual professional, an expert in your field but you feel you are not really given the opportunity to use the full spectrum of your talents and expertise and you want to explore new avenues, broaden your professional horizons and open new tracks.

Glossophia COACHES and MENTORS Multilingual Professionals with multilingual education to become a THRIVING and OUTSTANDING professional in their unique field for linguistic EXCELLENCE so they can achieve CULTURAL AND LINGUISTIC EXCELLENCE for opportunities WITHOUT BORDERS.

Educational Institutions

Multilingual Educational Institution

A bilingual education can bring many benefits for students as well as for staff.

Glossophia helps educational institutions with an IB / Immersion / Bilingual program from pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 become a thriving and outstanding program for linguistic excellence by coaching and mentoring their staff and leaders so they can achieve cultural and linguistic excellence for opportunities without borders for their students.

The Superpowers of Multilingualism:

Colourful Brain
Do you use two or more languages on a regular basis? And by “regular”, I mean even once a week, or once a month. If you answer YES to that question, congratulations, you ARE bilingual!

But do you know that the multilingual brain, whether the languages have been acquired simultaneously or sequentially, have different qualities and SUPERPOWERS than the monolingual brain?

So which SUPER POWERS are you aware you possess?

√ Cognitive flexibility.
√ Improves the brain’s executive function.
√ Higher memory retention.
√ Better at problem-solving as languages work as puzzles.
√ Boundless creativity and originality.
√ Improves performance in other areas.
√ Enhances ability to multitask.
√ Superior metalinguistic abilities.
√ Greater cultural awareness and open-mindedness.
√ Greater empathy.
√ Better productivity and Focus.
√ Enhanced communication skills.
√ Denser grey matter.
√ Lower risk of dementia and other neurological degenerative diseases.
√ And so much more_

kids studding 04

Multilingual, who are you?

√ You have a unique way of looking at and understanding of the world.

√ Your knowledge of languages gives you access to centuries of ideas, history, culture and knowledge.

√ It grants you superiority in social skills, being able to draw from social experiences from different cultures.

√ You look at issues through different perspectives, having access to the views of more than one culture.

√ You have a more open mind, being able to relate to and understand different cultures while having strong ties to your own family and community.

√ It boosts your memory and makes your brain work more efficiently, increasing attention, giving you the ability to make more rational decisions.

√ It also gives me a greater ability to multitask, switching between different activities more easily.

√ You can use more than one language to think and learn in.

√ Research clearly states that your bilingual brain is much better at focusing on a task.

√ You can differentiate sounds better and therefore learning new languages comes more naturally to you and you can now learn with ease.

√ You have more careers opportunities with the demand for multilingual workers constantly rising.

√ You can earn 5-20% more than monolinguals.

√ According to research, your brain is also better at resolving problems and less likely to get dementia.

√ It has also been proven that multilingualism can slow the aging of your brain, delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s and speeding the recovery from stroke.

Am I bilingual? Is my child bilingual?

Bilingualism refers to the use of two (or more) languages on a regular basis.
One of the most common misconception about bilingualism is that it would be the equal, high-achieving fluency of 2 or more language at a same point of time. For that reason, some parents gets discouraged and give up, believing the lie that their child is not and will never be bilingual. This simply is not true.

There are two main types of bilingualism:
simultaneous bilingualism,
and sequential bilingualism.
Neither is superior to the other, and many multilingual may have developed some languages simultaneously, and others at different times of their lives.

Being multilingual gives you to ability to acquire other languages more easily because your brain is wired to learn languages.

Couple talking languages

Challenges of being multilingual


More presure


Less professionalism




Cultural changes

What our customers are saying

Service Rating

Alexandre P. - Port-Vila, Vanuatu - PROFESSIONAL

August 2014

Laure is a very serious professional who always thinks about strategy and solutions in order to help and to increase the value of the different students. It was a very interesting work and rich in exchanges with her.

Joanna K. - Montpellier, France – PROFESSIONAL

August 2014

I had the pleasure of working with Laure who is an extremely dynamic and motivated person. I was particularly impressed by Laure’s ability to handle even the toughest situation – always smiling and being positive_ I really recommend working with her.

Joel A – Brisbane, Australia – INSTITUTION

September 2021

I had the pleasure of working with Laure who is a passionate, thorough, and intuitive Language expert with many achievements and skills such as linguistics, curriculum planning, development and implementation to name a few.

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Although she stands out uniquely out in her organisation skills and technical skills, what impressed me most about Laure was the quality of her work, the enthusiasm, and the joy she displays around her. I was also impressed by her amazingly positive and caring attitude which was valued not just by myself, but also by the teachers and students.

I could rely on Laure to get the job done and I am confident GLOSSOPHIA is a great fit.

Odile G. – Switzerland – POROFESSIONAL

November 2022

Merci, du fond du cœur merci,  pour l’écoute et le  soutien.

Joanna K. - Montpellier, France – PROFESSIONAL

August 2014

I had the pleasure of working with Laure who is an extremely dynamic and motivated person. I was particularly impressed by Laure’s ability to handle even the toughest situation – always smiling and being positive_ I really recommend working with her.

Margie F – New Zealand - INSTITUTION

September 2021

As far as I can judge, I would define Laure as a passionate educator, always available to explain the learning process in literacy and in languages. She cares for the students and is detail focused and meaning orientated.  Laure is a reliable and very trustworthy person. I have no hesitation in highly recommending Laure.

Katharina S. – Port-Vila, Vanuatu – FAMILY

November 2022

One of the most difficult questions in our lives is “where are you from?” This gives you a vague idea of how multilingual our family is, and you can probably imagine that it’s never been easy to juggle three active family languages while living in a fourth or fifth language context.

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Due to frequent international moves, our children had to learn languages on the fly and, more recently, this had to happen in a home-schooling context where immersion was not an option any longer. Laure was extremely helpful in ensuring that the changes in cultural context and language went as smoothly as possible for our family. She actively supported our family with the transitions into new educational environments while helping us to preserve the languages actively spoken in the family. Her professional and tailor-made approach is noteworthy, and we are very happy to recommend Laure’s mentoring and language coaching to bi-and multilingual families because it always pays off to invest into languages.

Christine A. – Nice, France – PROFESSIONAL

September 2014

Laure est une linguiste de qualité.

En collaborant avec elle dans le cadre de suivis d’élèves en difficultés, je me suis rendue compte à quel point elle était soucieuse du bien-être de ces jeunes.

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Ses compétences lui ont d’ailleurs permis de leur apporter tout le soutien et l’aide dont ils avaient besoin pour se sentir le mieux possible dans leur nouveau pays.

J’ai beaucoup apprécié travailler avec elle.

Jean-François M. – Paris, France – GOVERNEMENT

September 2014

Impliquée, très à l’écoute des élèves et passionnée par l’enseignement du français langue étrangère.

Marie C. – Paris, France – FAMILY

July 2022

Juste un mot pour te dire que depuis notre rdv je n’arrête pas de parler espagnol aux enfants !!! j’aime !!! merci !!!

Marie C. – Paris, France – FAMILY

July 2022

¡Solo una nota rápida para decirte que desde nuestra entravista, no he dejado de hablar en español a los niños! ¡¡¡Me encanta!!! ¡¡¡Gracias !!!

Marie C. – Paris, France – FAMILY

July 2022